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Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics (ZNE)


fMRI experiments are carried out on a Siemens Cima.X 3T whole-body scanner. The scanner is equipped with the vendors 20-channel, 32-channel and 64-channel head coils as well as various wrap-around surface coils. Peripheral equipment include backprojection systems, fibre-optic response boxes, an ASL 501 remote eye-tracking system, equipment for the recording of peripheral physiology (such as skin conductance, heart rate, etc.), MR-compatible equipment for electrical skin stimulation as well as custom facilities for conducting experiments with taste and smell stimulation and for applying TMS and tDCS during fMRI. The laboratory also utilizes magnetic field monitoring equipment to maximise data quality in specialised experiments.

Siemens Cima.X 3T whole-body scanner


Control room

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Telephone: 044 255 46 82