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Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics (ZNE)

Open Positions

Current Job Announcements

Marlene Porsche Graduate School of Neuroeconomics

The Marlene Porsche Graduate School of Neuroeconomics at the University of Zurich is accepting PhD student applications for Fall 2024 admission until 1 December 2023. We offer exciting PhD positions in a stimulating and challenging environment, a dynamic and interdisciplinary team, and the opportunity to utilize state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. Selected students are guaranteed funding stipends for at least 4 years. The core faculty in this program include professors Ernst Fehr, Todd Hare, Christian Ruff and Philippe Tobler.

Who should apply? Neuroeconomics is a highly interdisciplinary science and we encourage highly capable and motivated students with an MSc in any related scientific discipline to apply. The specific PhD topics are flexible and will be determined in collaboration with your supervisors. Neuroeconomics explicitly combines research questions and techniques from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and economics. However, it also relies heavily on ideas and methods developed in computer science, engineering, mathematics, and physics. Information about current research topics and examples of papers that resulted from research conducted by the PhD students and professors in our program can be found on the Zurich Center for Neuroeconomic website.

Mandatory requirements for admission:
-    Willingness to work in a highly interdisciplinary environment 
-    High enthusiasm and motivation for doing research in the field of neuroeconomics 
-    Excellent English skills (both written and oral)
-    Strong skills in scientific data analysis (especially mathematics/statistics)
-    Strong skills in scientific writing
-    Completed master’s degree

Desirable skills:
Demonstrated experience with any elements of the existing data acquisition and analysis pipelines within the Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics will be viewed favorably. Please be sure to explicitly mention any such skills or experience in your application. 

-    conducting laboratory experiments in psychology or behavioral economics
-    computer programming for behavioral experiments in Matlab (e.g. Psychtoolbox, Cogent) or Python (e.g. PsychoPy)
-    general computer programming (e.g., Python, Java, C++)
-    statistical data analysis in Matlab, R, or Stata 
-    brain stimulation, EEG, eye-tracking, or MRI data collection and analysis 
-    development of decision or neuroeconomic theory
-    computational modeling of behavioral, biological, physical, or any other processes 

Application instructions:
Initial applications should be submitted (in electronic form only; one single PDF file per applicant) to the Doctoral Program Coordinator. These must include:
•    a curriculum vitae
•    a letter of motivation
•    contact details of at least two referees
•    see Admission website for further details

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